Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yes on 8

I love Sundays! Today was exceptionally great! Bowen and I were volunteered by the bishop to go and hang YES on Prop 8 flyers on peoples doors. Well, we drove to the addresses that were given to us and they were all in gated communities. Not wanting to just give up and not do our political part, we took those flyers and walked around La Jolla putting them on peoples cars. It felt good to know that we were standing for something right and wholesome. For all those that aren't familiar with Proposition 8, I'll give a brief rundown. Prop 8 is a simple and straightforward voter initiative. It contains the same 14 words that were previously approved in 2000 by over 61% of California voters: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Because 4 evil activist judges in San Francisco wrongly overturned the people's vote, we need to pass this measure as a constitutional amendment to restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. I never thought that I would be spending my time trying to convince people that marriage between a man and woman is the right way to do things. Gosh! I'm nervous for this election. But even if it doesn't turn out the way we want, we can at least say we contributed. Please, Please, Please...get out there on Tuesday and vote! Ok, that was my political spill for the day. Back to family and good things :) The little man got his 4 month immunizations on Thursday. He wasn't too much of a happy camper the next day and had a fever. So we just took it easy and rode through that little rough patch. Today he was pretty much back to normal. At church he was happy, smiling, and of course, flirting with all the girls. He's such a ham! After church we went to Kari and Dave's house for some lunch and had a Jerky's meeting. I'm getting so excited for this business! So I'm trying to organize the HUNDREDS of pictures that I have on the computer and I came across this video that I'd completely forgot about. It' was pretty funny! Mason sure loves that sheep! I had a cold at the time, so I sound like a man. Oh well.


Unknown said...

I love looking at your blog. What a fun life you have!

kkrich said...

i won't lie i watched the video of msaon laughing twice.
seriously THANK U SO MUCH for doing my dishes. it made day and now my morning all over again when i realized they were done. i love that u are my friend. =)

Joby, Julie, Cru and Sage said...

HAHA! I love it! Mason is definitely not a threat to society like giraffes are. He's so adorable it makes me want to vomit.

Mason just waking up for the day