It seems Mason is growing by the minute. Every time I turn around he's doing or saying something new.
*When I'm in a different room than he is, he'll poke just his head around the corner and say, "I see you!"
*He has 5 favorite books that we usually have to read one or all before nap time and bed time. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Goodnight Baby, Pat the Bunny, I love You, and Old Mac Donald. He got Old Mac Donald for Christmas from Great Grandma Jones. Thanks to this book he's learned the chicken, horse, dog, cat, duck, pig, sheep, donkey, snake, and owl sounds.
* Sometimes when he's playing by himself I'll hear the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star coming from his little voice. If I'm quite enough, I'll go watch him make the little "twinkling" actions with his hands. It's so cute and makes me tear up!
*He also sings the ABC's to the best of his memory.
*He looooves to take a bath! He'll stay in the tub a good 1/2 hour playing with his toys. That is the time I usually take to clean the bathroom, or get ready for the day. It works out perfect!
*He likes to say prayers before we eat. He absolutely does not like to say them before bed because he knows it's night night time after that. I think we need to change up our bedtime routine.
*He know who Jesus is and will point him out of any picture.
*He loves babies (he doesn't realize that he's still kind of one himself) and loves to just watch them. Sometimes he'll touch them really soft and point out where it's eyes, nose, mouth, etc...are. He doesn't get that there is a baby in mommy's tummy but judging by the way he is with other babies, I'm not too worried.
*He is obsessed with choo choo's and trucks. He has a little train set that we set up daily. On Monday Mornings when the garbage truck comes we have to stand by the door and watch.
*His current favorite foods are chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, tomatoes, apples, craisins/raisins, pears, oranges, and grilled tuna and cheese sandwiches (I've found that if I put peas and carrots in with the tuna he'll still eat it. Anything to get a toddler to eat veggies eh!?!
*We're in the process of potty training. It's still a little early for it, but at least he knows the potty is there. We have had a small number of success stories, and a large number of not so great stories. I'm just excited he wants to sit on his potty!
*He loves to color. If you ask what color he's using, it's blue whether it's green, red, orange, or yellow. He has an obsession with using his teeth to tear off the paper around the crayons. I had to break down and buy the crayons that are in the plastic casing and you twist them up.
*I made play dough the other day and he didn't quite know what to do with it. I think we'll try it again in another couple weeks.
*He's officially out of the highchair. We bought him a little table and chairs from Ikea and he looooves it! I make it a point to sit and eat breakfast with him every morning. We talk about Lady dog, how yummy our breakfast is, if we had a good dreams, and what we're going to do that day.
* I take him to music class every Monday. On our way there we sing the primary song, Sing, Sing, Sing, so our voices are all warmed up for the class. His favorite songs are Tick Tock and Clean up (we sing that when the kids put the instruments away).
I love my little monkey so much! His little light shines so bright and he's such a happy boy! I can't believe how fast he's growing and learning. I thank Heavenly Father every day for such a perfect baby boy. I love you Mason!