Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good morning

Today is the first day in quite a while that I didn't have anything that I HAD to do. So Mason and I started off our day with an awesome breakfast of french toast with strawberries. This is one of his absolute favorite meals and he always eats a man-sized portion. We just puttered around the house until I called Bowen to see if he wanted to meet us for lunch. Of course he did! Mase and I weren't hungry after that giant breakfast but he just wanted to see his daddy. We treated Bowen to a California Burrito from Chagos. Anytime we go there that is what he gets. Imagine a burrito with everything in it, including french fries. Crazy, I know! lol!

Mason loves his dad so much! He was just hugging him and rubbing his back so softly.

He soon had to get back to work so I dropped him off and Mason and I headed home. I decided about 1/2 way there that the clouds had parted enough to let the sunshine through. So we diverted to the park. Mason looooves this jungle of a playground. It's HUGE! I can just let him run around and wear himself out. Perfect!

Mason has invented a game that he likes to play anytime we go anywhere in the car. It's called, "Take off your shoes and socks before we get to our destination, even if it's only 5 minutes away". He thinks it's just hilarious when I go to get him out of the car and he sticks his little piggy toes in my face showing me his naked feet. This time it didn't matter because the playground is sand and nobody wears shoes anyway. Ha! I won that round.

We were only there for an hour before the wind picked up and it got a bit to chilly to be out. As we were listening to the radio on our way home, I called the station to try and win The Lovely Bones movie that just came out on DVD. And guess what? I WON! Woot woot!

Now Mason is taking a nap and I'm enjoying my 2 hours of bliss. Oh how great it is!

This was taken last night. Bowen wanted to get it on film so that when we have to put together a collection of football videos for Masons scholarship applications, we can put this on there. Ha ha! It's funny how good Mason is actually getting at throwing the football and he's not even 2 yet!


Andrew & Gentry! said...

Love your posts! You will have to let me know if you like that movie. I am not sure what to think about it! Your little guy is so stinkin cute! Thanks for always posting! I love looking at your blog.

Mason just waking up for the day