Yesterday we decided to venture out to east county to go the shooting range. The news had warned that there was going to be rain this weekend, but the sun was shining bright. Well, the further away we got away from home, the darker the clouds got. Then came the rain. It was pouring!!! We had to pull off the road it was so bad. As we were waiting for that to subside, it got worse! It started hailing! We felt no mercy from Mother Nature as she shot pea sized ice balls at our car. Mason loved it. He couldn't figure out what was happening but it sounded cool. We soon realized it was going to be a while before it cleared up, so we decided to get some lunch. Mmmm...Rubios! While enjoying our fish tacos we realized we didn't quite know what town we were in, but it looked like a great area. The rain had cleared out enough to drive, so we spent a good portion of the afternoon driving around in, what we learned was, Rancho San Diego. It was quite fun to just explore the place that we live and get a feel for what other towns are close by. After our little exploring expedition, we headed to the shooting range. Bowen was the best one in the group! Thanks, Coach, for teaching him those great skills! I got to shoot a round as well. It was so much fun, but I am definitely rusty in the shooting category.
Here's Bowen the Great and his excellent trap shooting skills.
Just as we were finishing up, it started to pour again. Perfect timing! We got in the car and headed home. What a day! I fixed some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
Mason tried spaghettiand couldn't quite figure it out. As soon as he would grab a noodle it would slip out of his hand and land right on my freshly cleaned floor :) I think he got a little frustrated, but managed to get some into his mouth...or at least near his mouth...
What another WONDERFUL Saturday spent with my family! I love my boys!
Mason is developing such a personality. The other night we were getting ready for bed and he was being such a goof! Every time I would ask him if I could give him a kiss, he would shake his head like NO WAY! I was laughing hysterically!