Friday, November 20, 2009

Lately Masons favorites

Mason's vocabulary has boomed within the past couple of weeks. For example... 1. Owie, owie, owie. These are his favorite words to use when he's in any sort of discomfort which is fine and expected. But he also uses it if, perhaps, he can't get off the couch, he put the ball in the bathtub and can't get it out, or he wants something and it is just out of reach. It's slowly becoming like "The boy who cried wolf." I have to go running even though most of the time he's completely fine. 2. Lolololo. This is slang for tomato. But it's also the first word that comes out of his mouth when the fridge is opened whether he wants a tomato or not. Speaking of tomatoes he eats them like an apple and loves it. Just this morning he had oatmeal, banana, and a tomato for breakfast. Weirdo. 3. Chuck. This is pretty close to the word truck. Mason is obsessed with trucks of all kinds. If the door or window are open when the garbage trucks come by he and Lady are there watching them the whole time.


DeRosa080208 said...

I actually used to watch the garbage trucks come pick up our garbage when I was young too! LOL

Chantel White said...

So so cute!! I think all boys love to watch the garbage truck!!! One day Daxton wanted us to follow the garbage truck around so we could watch it all day. We have had numerous garbage truck drivers notice how intensely Daxton watches them and they wave to him and make his day! :)

Tommy and Monique Shelby said...

I just found you guys! And everyone else from the ward! Okay the Kate Gosslin hair do on Mason is hilarious!

Mason just waking up for the day